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Every healthcare facility should have written protocols to guide routine general cleaning and ensure that all areas of the environment are regularly cleaned to a satisfactory standard. In a human challenge study, a disinfectant spray (0.1% ortho-phenylphenol and 79% ethanol), sodium hypochlorite (800 ppm free chlorine), and a phenol-based product (14.7% phenol diluted 1:256 in tapwater) when sprayed onto contaminated stainless steel disks, were effective in interrupting transfer of a human rotavirus from stainless steel disk to fingerpads of volunteers after an exposure time of 3- 10 minutes. If cleaning products and medical equipment surfaces aren't in sync, healthcare facilities can incur costly repairs or replacements. The goal is to have the water hot enough to facilitate cleaning without putting employees at risk. VHP sterilization has a low cycle time, which results in having the capability to sterilize high volume batches of equipment. 13. Cont… 6. If using a 1‐Step